Friday, March 12, 2010

Their Back

Today he came home from school and told me that the tics were happening at school again. It was a very rough week for him because his teacher(his grandma) was off on Monday so they had a sub. They started learning something new in phonics that all the kids were having a hard time with but got a lot of low grades on papers. Kind of started the week off bad. So I think he was just stressed and very anxious.
I am 131 pages in to the book now and am finding a lot of useful info. Really there is so much that it is hard to put it all on this blog. Anyone who has children like this, need to read it. I will put some helpful tips on children with aspergers next time!

1 comment:

  1. You know Tracee,,,just the fact that Taylor can speak openly, like that, about his tics, is very encouraging. I would think that it's a great step forward in helping him learn to manage them............
