There are times when I wonder......Does he really have Tourettes? The tics seem to sometime go away. Sometimes for days or even weeks. And then all of a sudden their back in full force.
I have noticed that ANXIETY plays a big part in when they show up. Sometimes when he is really tired or angry/frustrated the are more intense.
Keeping him on a good routine and catching things before they fully frustrate him have helped tremendously. You have to really observe your child and know what triggers them. At home we have managed to almost completely make them go away. School however is a different story. He has a lot of boys(rowdy boys at that) in his class and keeping things calm is almost impossible. We have noticed certain subjects in school that get him going and end up leading to a full fledged emotional breakdown. At that point you just call it a night. Because by that time his brain is done!
The miracle of it all is that there is something with music that he loves so much and when he listens to it or even at his piano lessons the tics never appear.
Oh; the fact that he loves his music so much, Tracee, and that his tics go away during that time, is wonderful to hear!