Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our Journey with Tourettes

Since preschool our son has always had problems in class. He started preschool when he was three. Our family lives on a family farm and we thought it would be good to start him early to socialize with other children. Which has always been hard for him. He has so much energy and is always loud, which tends to push other kids away. He also acted much older than his age.( We figured it was because his best friend was his Grandpa)And just maybe he wasn't use to interacting with kids. But in every childs class they have daily check marks for behavior, I could probably count with my fingers how many times he came home with all of them or even half checked for great. He never played with others at reccess, just did his own thing. Same for his 2nd year.
In Kindergarten the same thing happened. We put him in a private school that has all day kindergarten hoping the routine would help.NOPE! had the same problems. Always being loud, making noises, jumpin in and out of his chair and just disrupting the whole class. At this point he still has no real Best Friend. Still playing alone.
In first grade we decided to send him to our public county school where his Grandma is a teacher. (Mostly because we couldn't afford the private one). That this might help. NOPE!
Every day the teacher would send notes or schoolwork that had not been finished in class. She said he was just all over the place and very disruptive.(Heard this before). Told us that he would no longer be able to take the work home and have to take the incomplete. Still at this point no real friends. How could he, he sat in the hall everyday!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see that you've started a blog, Tracee. Maybe, just maybe, someone will end up reading, at some point, that may have some suggestions that just might help with Taylor!! I'll be hoping for that!!
