Tuesday, August 24, 2010


1st day of school went great! 2nd day, has already had an emotional meltdown over homework:(
Was really hoping this year would be different. But I knew better

Thursday, August 19, 2010

School is around the corner!

With school starting only a few days away, the tics that I can honestly say...I did not miss all this summer while they were on vacation have suddenly returned. With a vengeance if I might add. I really hope this is not a sign of what is to come all year. Our next appt with results from our testing is on Sept. 17th and our next neurologist appt is Sept 1st. Another busy month! Can't start paperwork for the 504 plan until our Sept 1st appt and they have already rescheduled us twice!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Last week was the testing for any pervasive developmental disorders(autism ect..) Two days of 3hour testing! He cooperated great and did his best, that's all we can ask. His dad and I had to fill out paperwork ourselves with questions from the day he was born... I think that took us two days alone! Results come back in September. Such a long time away. In the meantime we will be trying to get the neurologist to send a request for the 504 plan to help in at school this year. That appointment is the 23 of this month.